Most private medical insurance companies cover these fees, but you are advised to check whether this is the case in advance. There can be differences between different insurers and also between different policies offered by the same insurer. In the event that your insurer does not cover the full fee, you may be required to pay the difference, or “shortfall”.

The most common procedures, CCSD codes and fees are listed below.

Insertion of Tunnelled Central Venous Catheter (Hickman Line) Under Ultrasound and X-ray Guidance

Code: XR915

Fee: £400 plus £50 for administration of intravenous sedation (Total £450)

Removal of Tunnelled Central Venous Catheter (Hickman Line) Under Ultrasound Guidance

Code: XR916 or L9181 (some insurance companies do not have a code for this procedure)

Fee: £250 (sedation not normally used for this procedure)

Insertion of Portacath Under Ultrasound and X-ray Guidance

Code: L9180

Fee: £450 plus £50 for administration of intravenous sedation (Total £500)

Removal of Portacath

Code: L9181

Fee: £250 (sedation not normally used for this procedure)

Insertion of Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) Under Ultrasound and X-ray Guidance

Code: XR917

Fee: £250.00 (sedation not normally used for this procedure)

Insertion of Temporary Central Venous Catheter under Ultrasound and X-ray Guidance

Code: XR910

Fee: £250.00 (sedation not normally used for this procedure)

For more complex procedures e.g. revision of line then please contact Cambridge Vascular Access for an accurate quote.